AAAI Agents
AAAI Multi-Agents
Adaptive IAs
Agent Cities
Agent Comms Lang
Agent Land
Agent Link
Agent-based Systems
Agents & Mediators
AIML Overview
AIRG Multi-Agents
Autonomous Agents ‘97
Bibliography of Soft Agents
CMU SoftAgents
CompInfo Agents
CODIP Components for Ontology Driven Information Push
Cooperating Mobile Agents

DARPA Grand Challenge
DIAG - Distributed AI Group
FIPA - Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents
GetSmart - IA Group
IA Bibliography ‘95
IBM - IA Project
Intelligent Agents
Library Application of IAs
MAGNET (Multi AGent Negotiation Testbed)
Mobile Software Agents
Multi-Agent Systems
Multi-Agent Systems Lab
Perspective on SoftAgents
SIM Agents
Taxonomy of Autonomous Agents
UMBC AgentWeb
Yahoo -- IAs
