ACLJ: Amer. Ctr Law & Justice
Action Institute
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals (ACE)
Alliance Defense Fund
American Family Association
Arabic Bible
Back to the Bible
Becket Fund
Brotherhood of a New Destiny
Brotherhood Mutual Insurance
C-FAM Catholic Family
CFN Center for Naturalism
Christian Educators Association
Christian Exodus
Christian History Institute
Christian Research Institute
Christian WebSite
Church Mutual Insurance
Crosswire Bible Society
Eagle Forum
Elijah Ministries
Evangelical Christian Pubs' Association
Evangelical Theological Society
Family Leader Network
Faith 2 Action
Faith Start
Family Research Council
Fathers for Life
Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Focus on the Family
Frontline Fellowship
Gospel Communications Network
Howard Center
Human Life International
IRS - Tax info for Churches
Institute for Creation Research
Institute on Religion and Democracy
International Bible Society
Internet Christian Library
Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation
Jews for Jesus
Minutemen United
National Clergy Council
National Pro-Life Action Center
National Right to Life
Operation World
Point of View
Prison Fellowship
PROBE Ministries
Ravi Zacharias Ministries
Reclaim America
Rutherford Institute
Salem Communications
South Asian Connection
TREN - Theological Research Exchange Network
World Evangelical Alliance
Zola Levitt
