AIN System Development:
A Customer-Centered Approach


The One-Size-Fits-One Product

The Customer Revolution

Listen to Your Customers

Gaining Customer Loyalty

Customer-Centered = Problem-Centered

Problems with Current Approaches

Problems with Current Approaches

Problems with Current Approaches

Designer-Centered v. Customer-Centered

Problems with Current Approaches

Synergism of Service Information

Top-Level Service Management & Delivery

Top-Level Service Management & Delivery

Customer-Centered Profiles

Customer Service Profile: Spreadsheet Form

Far-Reaching Consequences of this Design

Customer-Centered Service Management

User Interface Synergism

User Information Synergism

Normalized Information & Processing

Symbolic Declarative Information

Flexible Intelligent Processing Strategy

Information Abstraction & Late Binding

Feature Interaction & Negotiation

Far-Reaching Consequences of this Design

Customer-Centered Service Management

Customer-Centered Service Management

Customer-Meaningful Terminology

Customer-Centered Label System

Customer-Centered = Problem-Centered

Customer Service Profile: Spreadsheet Form

Far-Reaching Consequences of this Design

User Interface Synergism

Consistency Across All User Interfaces

Consistency Across All Interfaces

Example Usage of the Label System

Example Usage of the Label System

Label-Centered = Customer-Centered

Far-Reaching Consequences of this Design

User Information Synergism

Customer-Centered Information Synergism

Customer-Centered Information Synergism

Customer-Centered Profiles

Far-Reaching Consequences of this Design

Normalized Information & Processing

Independent Information Capabilities

Service-Driven v. Capability-Driven

Service-Driven v. Capability-Driven

SIB’s Service Independent Building Blocks

Customer Service Profile: Spreadsheet Form

Far-Reaching Consequences of this Design

Symbolic Declarative Information

Phone Number = Telephony Symbol

Extending the Set of Telephony Symbols

Declarative v. Procedural Knowledge

A Better Knowledge Paradigm

Declarative Customer Service Context

Customer Service Profile: Spreadsheet Form

Symbolic Abstract Reasoning

Far-Reaching Consequences of this Design

Flexible Intelligent Processing Strategy

Domains of Intelligent Flexibility

Support of Parallel Distributed Processing

Static Analysis & Feedback Adaptation

Directed Real-Time Processing

Real-Time Compilation Strategies

INC-2 Service Specification

INC-2 Service Specification

INC-2 Service Specification

INC-2 Service Specification

Far-Reaching Consequences of this Design

Information Abstraction & Late Binding

Bi-Model Layers of Abstraction

Information Abstraction & Late Binding

Service Description Profile

Service Management Profile

The Various Context Profiles

Intelligent Entities — Self-Awareness

Normal v. Abnormal Circumstances

Far-Reaching Consequences of this Design

Feature Interaction & Negotiation

Undesirable Feature Interactions

Negotiation — Defined

Negotiation Characteristics

Examples of Negotiation in the Network

Multi-Customer Feature Negotiation

Negotiation Infrastructure

Negotiation Infrastructure

Feature Negotiation Heuristics

Feature Negotiation => Mediated Access

Current Development of this AIN System

Future Goals & Developments